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The World Has Changed and Needs Technology

  • By Raúl Martín López
  • July 19, 2021
  • 8 min read

2020 has been a bucket of cold water for all humanity, a historical moment that will be part of our collective imagination; we have realized that we still have weaknesses, that we have not become as strong as we thought. The dynamic world accelerating towards digitalization had to be almost completely stopped. The positive side of all this is that we have the opportunity to prepare ourselves for future crises, and we have discovered that we have to do so hand in hand with technology.

2020 will be a before and after in our history, it made us see our weaknesses, now we must work to improve our society.

For a long time, technology has been demonized, accused of being an element that distances us from reality and prevents us from enjoying the pleasures of life, what the outside world has to offer us. However, you can imagine that the pandemic would have happened in the 90s, the social and economic crisis would have been worse; being locked up at home for a long time affects the cognitive and emotional capacity of people. Therefore, it has been important to have windows through which to "see" the outside world.

The entertainment and work platforms have allowed people to continue living with some normality, which helped many companies not to have to close completely and thus the economic blow was less. Confinement or quarantine has not gone completely wrong, but it could have been much better. Many mistakes have been made, many of which, if technology had been used at its best, the blow would not have been so severe.

First, many companies were not prepared to take the work out of the office, mainly in Latin America. They have the culture of working in person so that the boss can see and think that we are working, this lack of infrastructure has led companies to have

to improvise, to seek quick solutions that have allowed to pass the test with just enough, but that in the end will not be enough.

We are a region of SMEs, of self-employed people, to whom the importance of digitalization has not been clearly explained. This delay was already present before Coronavirus, only the inertia of normality did not let us see the problem.

Governments were not prepared for such a catastrophe either and we are not talking about policies to manage the epidemic but to respond to citizens through technological channels. Services have been closed, people needed and still need to do their business with the administration, and electronic portals have not been up to the task.

The States have invested little or poorly in the construction of a Digital Government, which means that there is no capacity to manage hundreds of thousands of requests from citizens. For the population, this meant not receiving the aid or subsidies that the various governments have approved to alleviate the crisis while not collecting a salary.

Building a digital society will not only serve to improve the performance of companies or improve the management of governments but will also help prevent, detect, or control future pandemics or crises. A society with better tools can stop a new Covid-19 in time.

We will defeat the virus, we will find the cure, we will get out of this, what we have to plan for is the post-Covid future, where we cannot rest, thinking that since the virus is gone, digitalization can wait. We have to build from now on the technology and applications that will help us stop the next global emergency.


CEO and Co-Founder of Kanecode, a Low-Code and no-code development platform. I am an entrepreneur focused mainly on technology and innovation since the emergence of the internet. At the age of 14 I started programming on Spectrum and have managed to publish my work in the programming magazine Microhobby.


Lucy smith
July 11, 2021 at 6:01 pm Reply

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Mario gomezson
July 11, 2021 at 6:01 pmReply

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